The annual registration shall be determined by the Executive Board and be payable at the time FBD registration isĀ payable. Any change in registration proposed by the Executive Board shall be submitted to the membership for approval at the annual business meeting.
The Board shall have the power to prepare such publications as it deems to be in the best interest of the association.
At the annual meeting, the Secretary/Treasurer shall make a report of the association’s financial status to the membership. The Executive Board may request an audit in the form of a current bank statement at any time.
Section 1. Duties of the President
The President shall exercise general supervision over the Association, shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Executive Board and the annual business meeting, appoint committees, see that all rules
and regulations are executed, and perform such other duties as pertain to the office.
Section 2. Duties of the Vice-President/Program Chair
The Vice-President and Program Chair shall serve in the absence or disability of the President, shall assist the President in preparation and execution of the annual program, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned.
Section 3. Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer
- The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Executive Board and of the business sessions and shall arrange for the appropriate distribution of the minutes of the meetings. The
Secretary/Treasurer shall direct membership drives. - The Secretary/Treasurer shall deposit in a bank to the credit of the Association of Business Information Systems all funds received and disburse same on specific order from the Executive Board. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be jointly responsible with the President for signing all financial contracts entered into by the Association and shall keep such records and prepare such financial records as directed by the Executive Board.
- The Secretary/Treasurer shall make all financial records available for auditing within one month after the annual meeting and at any time requested by the Executive Board.
Section 4. Duties of the Proceedings Editor
- The Proceedings Editor prepares the proceedings for the conference and submits them to the publisher prior to the conference.
- The Editor collects the extra proceedings at the end of the conference and mails out copies to universities who request copies. The editor also provides the Historian with at least one copy of the proceedings and the Journal for the archives.
Section 5. Duties of the Journal Editor
- The Journal Editor publishes the journal on an annual basis. Articles solicited for the journal and are limited to papers that were published in the conference proceedings
- The Journal Editor works with reviewers to achieve an acceptance rate for the journal of 50%.
- The Journal Editor will conditionally accept the winner(s)of the annual outstanding paper award for inclusion in the journal.
- The Journal Editor will accept only one (1) article per author per issue of the Journal. The contents of the Journal are to be limited to papers presented at ABIS or published in the ABIS Proceedings.
Section 6. The Historian/Parliamentarian
- The Historian/Parliamentarian maintains the organization’s archives.The archives shall include copies of the constitution and bylaws, executive board meeting minutes, annual business meeting minutes, copies of FBD board and business meeting minutes, copies of all financial reports, and copies of all proceedings and publications.
- The Historian/Parliamentarian will be responsible for officers and members following parliamentary procedures at the annual business meeting.
Bylaws last revised in 2008.